
Aquarion anime basically garbage
Aquarion anime basically garbage

aquarion anime basically garbage
  1. #Aquarion anime basically garbage skin#
  2. #Aquarion anime basically garbage full#

#Aquarion anime basically garbage skin#

  • "Ranboo, my beloved." Explanation This joke started when a gif made by a fan of a heart locket opening to reveal the text "Ranboo my beloved" with a picture of his Minecraft skin started circulating on Twitter, from where it was adopted by Ranboo himself.
  • Mismatched Eyes: His Minecraft skin's left and right eyes are red and green, respectively.
  • As in, the rubber-band bracelet-making toy. The name that stuck was a variation of the word "rainbow", which he got from "Rainbow Loom".
  • Line-of-Sight Name: While answering questions during a stream, Ranboo confirmed that he came up with his name by picking objects from the room around him at random, and then saying the name of the object differently.
  • Gosh Darn It to Heck!: Downplayed, but Ranboo chooses not to swear in his content.
  • #Aquarion anime basically garbage full#

    Though Ranboo sometimes uses facecam, he is usually seen wearing sunglasses, a mask, and gloves, obscuring his full appearance. Ranboo: Oh my goodness, you've got to be kidding me. This does not go well, all the M&M's sink to the bottom of the mixing bowl, and the dye bled into the cake itself during baking, which does not help its appearance. In the second video, he adds M&Ms to pre-made cake batter.As he quickly finds out, cinnamon rolls do not taste good when soaked in milk.

    aquarion anime basically garbage

    In the first video, he made a bowl of Minecraft Creeper Crunch cereal, to which he added an entire cinnamon roll.Cordon Bleugh Chef: He often gets a bit too creative during his cooking videos.Cool Crown: He wears one on his Minecraft skin, and occasionally in irl content.Explanation Said when he accidentally walks or falls right off of a cliff in any game he's playing. Berserk Button: He hates being called anything related to a cat, such as a Cat Boy or a "meow-meow".Bait-and-Switch Comment: Unintentionally, with the famous "Not one, not two, not three.

    Aquarion anime basically garbage